Beijing YDX Institute ,The best and cheap products: temperature, paperthermometer,TEMPERATURE STRIPS,temperature measuring strips,temperature labels,北京亚东星机电技术研究所:独家首创《示温记录标签》,出品已有十余年历史,高质量,信誉佳,用户遍布全国。独具的特色是品种样式外形多,室内室外多用途,显示数字及多种色彩,温度三状态记录功能,电力相序指示及反光显示。现有五大系列,九个类型,组合式及单一温度,多种外形尺寸和温度窗口,几百种测温产品,形式为有胶标签,突出特点是精确,质量好,耐候防水性强,粘得牢,揭得爽,变色醒目清晰,彩色显示。可直接粘贴在导电母排接头、刀闸开关、变压器壳等各种设备表面。一旦该部位超温,能使颜色发生突变,记录显示超温数值,或其显示窗口由白色变成明显鲜艳的红色(变黑、绿等色)颜色对比强烈,很容易被人发现,方便地完成复杂的测温工作,从而找出故障隐患。可电话订购,供货迅速快捷。电业人士立刻打电话010-87785837或来函即可得到免费资料和试用样品。详情请访问 北京亚东星机电技术研究所生产的产品也常常被称作:测温纸,测温贴,示温纸,感温纸,示温条,示温贴,感温变色,测温标贴,温度条,测温条,示温片,示温蜡片,变色示温片,示温标签,表面温度签,温敏试纸,测温贴片,示温涂料,示温记录标签贴纸,感温变色贴,示温试温蜡片,腊片,微型温度测量记录仪,感温变色涂料,热变色油墨、热敏油墨,示温油墨等等。


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t,温度监测,变压器监测,整流铜排使用温度,母排,铝母排,铜母排,母排载流量,整流铜排使用温度, temperature measuring strips, temperature monitoring labels, tempil, thermograph, temperature labels, temperature tags, monitoring tags, temperature recorder, temperature indicator温仪,温仪表,测温仪表,红外测温仪价格,测温元件,测温笔,测温表,测温蜡片,变色材料,变色颜料,变色涂料,示温纸,示温涂料,指示标签示温纸,温变涂料,供应温变涂料,示温涂料,测温笔,测温条,变色颜料,示温纸,感温电缆,感温探测器,光纤感温,感温探头,缆式感温,感温棒,感温,感温变色,感温油墨,感温元件,热敏试纸,温度传感器,贴式温度传感器,温度计,温度表,北京温 Temperature Indicating
Recorder label

We produce Temperature strip, Temperature label, They are  Very good and save your cost! They are very soft and easily to cohere. There is a great opportunity for wholesaler and sales campaign!   We also welcome cooperate to make our temperature indicating labels in you or other country!

The prices of temperature indicating labels less than half the cost of the American equivalent. USA or Europe !

To get samples!  免费样品请点击这里。



The prices of temperature indicating labels less than half the cost of the American equivalent. USA or Europe!There is a great opportunity for wholesaler and sales campaign! We also welcome cooperate to make our temperature indicating labels in you or other country!We produce Temperature strip, Temperature label. Our products have the unique function of indicating and recording temperature and it has a lot of advantages that many other apparatuses don't have, such as no need of power and wire, small size, having the function of recording the temperature, easy to operate, easy to observe, low cost and so on. Moreover, it has pressure sensitive adhesive, formed as tag. It could be stuck on the cover of Conducting Electricity in Bus-bar Groove tie-in, knife-switch, transformer casing, etc. which need to be measured the temperature directly, to measure the temperature. Once exceeding the nominated temperature, the indicative windows would show the temperature number immediately or change color from white to red, black, green or yellow and so on (the normal temperature are 50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,100,120 and so on). The whole process is discontinues. Further, the contrast of color is so strong that you could find the hidden trouble easily.Where the temperature is increasing and the nominated temperature is exceeded, the labels would change color obviously. Take YDX678 type label, which has three showing windows, as an example, when the temperature is below 60 degree Celsius, all three windows are white. Once the temperature reaches 60 degree Celsius, the first window would change to black and other two windows are still white. If the temperature increases to 70 degree Celsius, the second window would change to green and the third one is still white. When it reaches 80 degree Celsius, the third one would turn to red. Then, all the three have changed to black, green and red.After exceeding nominated temperature, the labels would remain the changed color forever, and when the temperature decrease, it would not recover to white, keeping the record state. Besides, it has three expression states and reverse function, that is to say, before exceeding the nominated temperature it is white; after exceeding this temperature, it would change color; when turn back to normal temperature, the color could change to the mid color. For example, red would turn back to pink and black would turn back to grey. If exceeding again, the color would change to former fresh color, so it could be used many times to reduce the cost. It could offer great help for judging whether the current temperature is exceeding the nominated temperature.The temperature labels have serious types and sizes. Some types have normal glisten function, partly have enhanced glisten function. Take Temperature number glisten type as an example, it use recursive directional glisten material, when you use flashlight, it is just like a small mirror to reflect light. The effect is just the same with the signs in high way. Thus, it is convenient to check trouble parts under weak light in far distance. Some types have red, green and yellow signs, which represent the three phase sequence in ?electric power. It could be used to indicate the A, B and C phase sequence of electrical source. So it has the functions of measuring temperature and indicating the phase sequence.Note, the stick part should be clean; touching is forbidden in measuring process. When testing product, please do not burn and bake it by fire directly to prevent from transforming. The It only needs you to check if the labels' color changed during normal work and isn't necessary to observe it for a long time. These products are initiated by our company. The temperature error is 1~2 degrees Celsius. And the operation life of our label is 3 years indoors and 2 years outdoors in normal environment. For detail introduction, please see other materials including introduction attention and so on. Call us or send us letter right now, you could get free material and probational samples.


 URL:  http://     京ICP备06007113号      Temperature indicating labels             ice indicators         sense paint      
《示温记录标签》由我科研单位独家首创,我单位出品已有九年历史,高质量,信誉佳,用户遍布全国。独具的特色是品种样式外形多,室内室外多用途,显示数字及多种色彩,温度三状态记录功能,电力相序指示及反光显示。现有五大系列,九个类型,组合式及单一温度,多种外形尺寸和温度窗口,几百种测温产品,形式为有胶标签,突出特点是精确,质量好,耐候防水性强,粘得牢,揭得爽,变色醒目清晰,彩色显示。可直接粘贴在导电母排接头、刀闸开关、变压器壳等各种设备表面。一旦该部位超温,能使颜色发生突变,记录显示超温数值,或其显示窗口由白色变成明显鲜艳的红色(变黑、绿等色)颜色对比强烈,很容易被人发现,方便地完成复杂的测温工作,从而找出故障隐患。可电话订购,供货迅速快捷。电业人士立刻打电话010-87785837或来函即可得到免费资料和试用样品。感温纸,测温纸,温度试纸,测温标贴,温敏/热敏/热感应,示温纸,温度传感器,示温蜡片,试温蜡片,腊片,变色测温贴片,贴纸,过热监测,温度记录相序指示标签,感温变色涂料,热变色油墨、热敏油墨,示温油墨,温度,感温,测温,变色,蜡片,过热,热感应,贴片,贴纸,测温,标签,记录仪,测量,红外,电力,变电,电站,母排,开关,刀闸,变压器, 感温纸,测温纸,温度试纸,示温纸,示温/试温腊/蜡片,变色测温贴片,贴纸,过热监测,温度记录相序指示标签,感温变色涂料,温敏/热敏/热感应,测温温度,感温,测温,试温,变色,蜡片,过热,热感应,贴片,贴纸,测温,标签,记录仪,测量,红外,电力,变电,电站,母排,开关,刀闸,变压器, 感温纸,测温纸,温度试纸,示温纸,示温/试温腊/蜡片,变色测温贴片,贴纸,过热监测,温度记录相序指示标签,感温变色涂料,温敏/热敏/热感应,测温纸,示温纸,感温纸,感温变色,测温贴片-示温涂料-示温记录标签贴纸-感温变色贴-示温/试温腊/蜡片-红外测温仪-过热监测-微型温纸,感温纸,测温纸,温度试纸,测温标贴,温敏/热敏/热感应,示温纸,温度传感器,示温蜡片,试温蜡片,腊片,变色测温贴片,贴纸,过热监测,温度记录相序指示标签,感温变色涂料,热变色油墨、热敏油墨,示温油墨是一种新型低价温度测量工具,红外测温仪与电力蜡片替代产品,耐候性好,彩色和数字显示,三状态显示功能,相序指示,不需电源,国际新技术,价廉,仅0.4元起,背面有胶,可粘贴。温度,感温,测温,变色,蜡片,过热,热感应,传感器,贴片,贴纸,测温,标签,记录仪,测量,红外,电力,变电,电站,母排,开关,刀闸,变压器,测温纸,试温/示温腊片-示温贴纸-示温涂料-变色涂料-示温显示颜料,测温颜料膏系列,可超温过热变色,精度高,用于工业测温显示,可涂于凹凸不平及油污地方,超温后变色效果非常明显。感温超温过热变色涂料其变色机理有各种各样,不尽用同,但都是物体受热后发生一系列化学和物理变化,由分子结构的改变,导致反射光的颜色发生变化。例如,晶型转化、升华、失水、氧化、分解引起光散射的频带转移。生产:测温纸,变色测温贴片,示温记录标签,感温纸,温度试纸,微型温度测量记录仪,温敏变色涂料-超温显示颜料-试温蜡片电缆线夹,母排接头,刀闸开关,变压器,各种电气设备测温的好帮手--变色示温相序指示贴片。 介绍国际测温产品,温敏/热敏/热感应产品,取代示/试温蜡片,温度变色试纸和涂料测温笔,超温变色,替代示温/试温蜡片,精度1—2度,感温示温清晰醒目。值得国内用户学习使用。《示温记录标签》由我科研单位独家首创,我单位出品已有九年历史,高质量,信誉佳,用户遍布全国。独具的特色是品种样式外形多,室内室外多用途,显示数字及多种色彩,温度三状态记录功能,电力相序指示及反光显示。现有五大系列,九个类型,组合式及单一温度,多种外形尺寸和温度窗口,几百种测温产品,形式为有胶标签,突出特点是精确,质量好,耐候防水性强,粘得牢,揭得爽,变色醒目清晰,彩色显示。可直接粘贴在导电母排接头、刀闸开关、变压器壳等各种设备表面。一旦该部位超温,能使颜色发生突变,记录显示超温数值,或其显示窗口由白色变成明显鲜艳的红色(变黑、绿等色)颜色对比强烈,很容易被人发现,方便地完成复杂的测温工作,从而找出故障隐患。可电话订购,供货迅速快捷。电业人士立刻打电话010-87785837或来函即可得到免费资料和试用样品。《示温记录标签,反光变色测温贴片》是北京亚东星机电技术研究所是在1980年代开始研制,1990年代初在国内研制 独创成功,并成为专业生产变色测温贴片(示温记录标签)的全国第一家,出品已有近二十余年历史,高质量,信誉佳,用户遍布全国,先后有几千家供电局及电厂和厂矿变电站使用,深得电力部门用户的信赖和好评。独具的特色是品种样式外形多,可耐污防水,能显示数字及多种色彩,温度记录及三状态功能,电力相序指示及反光显示。现有五大系列,九个类型, 多温度组合式及单一温度,多种外形尺寸和窗口,几百种测温产品,形式为有胶标签,突出特点是精确高,质量好,耐候性强,室内室外多用途 (不怕水);粘得牢揭得爽 (不破裂), 超温变色后反差大清晰(变色前很白,变色后颜色很深),彩色显示 (解决了彩色显示的难题)。可直接粘贴在导电母排接头、刀闸开关、变压器壳等各种 需要测温的设备表面。一旦该部位超温,能使颜色发生突变,记录显示超温数值,或其显示窗口由白色变成明显鲜艳的色彩(变红、黑、绿等色)颜色对比强烈,很容易被人发现,方便地完成复杂的测温工作,从而找出故障隐患。(不少型号也常常被俗称作:测温纸,示温贴,示温片,示温蜡片,变色示温片,示温标签,表面温度签,温敏试纸,感温纸,测温贴,温度试纸,示温条,温度条,测温条,测温标贴,示温纸,温度贴,试温蜡片,变色测温贴片,温度贴纸,温度记录相序指示标签,感温变色涂料,热敏涂料,示温涂料。)可电话订购,供货迅速快捷。 电业人士立刻打电话或来函即可得到免费资料和试用样品。




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